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Thoughts from your website maintenance and support team.


How Website Maintenance Will Improve Website Performance

Websites are one of those things in life where slow speed kills – it kills user experience and negatively impacts SEO (i.e., where your website appears in search engine results). If your site takes more than two seconds to display its content after clicking, it will leave your visitors frustrated and they may abandon your website […]


Website Maintenance Services Will Boost Your Bottom Line

  Website maintenance is a collection of services with the goal of keeping your website up-to-date, maintained and running properly. These services may include: Updating text, images and videos, Updating links, files and pages, Add pages and content, Creating new web page designs, Creating ads or graphics, Website hosting. In fact, website maintenance can go beyond […]


Website Maintenance Checklist for WordPress

Once your website domain is purchased and it’s hosted on a server, that’s only the beginning of managing your new WordPress website. This website maintenance checklist will help you ensure your website remains as healthy and secure as possible from hacking incidents.

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5 Ways Website Maintenance Services Will Help Your Business

Can you imagine buying a brand new car and never changing the oil in it or checking the tire pressure? For most of us, this would be a travesty – your engine would deteriorate and the ride would be rough! You would be amazed at the number of people who do this very thing with their websites.

Website maintenance is a critical part of having a presence on the web today. Here are 5 ways that having website maintenance services available to your company will make your business more marketable online.

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If You Landed on Your Website, Would You Read It?

You know your business best and are the greatest source for information on it. Your website maintenance firm may look to you for website content – both during its initial creation and also for the follow-up content that keeps visitors, potential customers, and search engines coming back for more. Some might see that as a daunting task but with a couple key tips, we can help you provide us with engaging content that will set your site far apart from the competition.

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What Type of Web Hosting is Best for Your Small Business?

Shared web hosting has been hailed as a cheap web hosting solution. Find out why you should consider other forms of web hosting for your small or medium sized business. (Here’s a hint – “cheap” comes at a high price!)

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How to Make the Most of Your Website Maintenance Firm

The days of a company website being a novelty are long gone. Today’s customers demand a clean, concise, and well-presented web presence regardless of the type of business they are searching for. Finding a website maintenance and management company is just the first step. Business owners need to know how to make the most out of their website maintenance dollars.

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